strategy mission watch now


3 Keys to Making Strategy Matter for Your Mission

Fill out the form below to access the webinar On-Demand:



What it's all about


For many nonprofits, "strategy" is a once-every-few-years exercise that changes nothing. What if, instead, you used strategy as a leadership tool to enable your organizations to anticipate changes and adapt accordingly? Rather than being blindsided by changing circumstances, you could plan ahead and respond with deliberate intention, rather than panic.

In this talk, you will learn how to craft a compelling vision for the future, develop an actionable plan to reach it, and put people first to generate meaningful buy-in from critical stakeholders - all so you can effectively move the needle for your mission.

Can't make it? Register anyway to get the recording in your inbox the day after the webinar.



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David Wagner

Founder and Principle Strategist

Clear Mission Consulting